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ADD:Yawo Village, Changzhuang Township, Wei County

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Features of EPDM foam sealing strip

Industry News
Features of EPDM foam sealing strip

Features of EPDM foam sealing strip
1. Its primary raw material is olefinic organic matter, so its chemical stability is relatively good. Its density is very low for high-quality filling. Its density is less than that of water, and it is suitable for filling materials so that it can be used to make sealing strips. From this, it can be concluded that its sealing effect should be excellent when used as a sealing strip.
2. Good aging resistance. This is very important for foam sealing strips, because under normal circumstances, few people often replace the sealing strips. The outstanding oxidation resistance helps to improve the service life. It can ensure excellent sealing effect.
3. The anti-corrosion effect is good. The time used in real life is not very useful. However, if the real chemical plant or hospital, this special feature is still relatively useful.